

Import Utilities


1) TrainingRegister® Import Utility for People Table - Used to importing and/or update employee data from an HR or payroll database.

This feature is a big time saver because it handles the following situations:

New employees are added automatically without manual entry.

Terminated employees are marked inactive so they don't show up on most reports.

Name changes are handled automatically.

Demographics, Job, Department, Division and other classification changes can be handled automatically.

The import utility keys off a unique ID for each person.  If the ID is found in TrainingRegister then the record is updated with the fields selected.  If the ID is not found then a new record is created in the People table and the new record is updated with data for the fields selected.

2) TrainingRegister® Import Utility for ClassCatalog Table - Used to import new training titles or classes into the ClassCatalog table.

Helpful if importing completed training records from a computer based training program.

Helpful if importing historical records from another training management package.


3) TrainingRegister® Import Utility for TrainingRecords Table - Used to import new completed training records into the TrainingRecords table.

Helpful if importing completed training records from a computer based training program.

Helpful if importing historical records from another training management package.





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